Union Of Knives Turkish Journalist Hasan Tahsin killed by GREEK ARMY in 1915_ He was a National Hero…

Turkish Journalist Hasan Tahsin killed by GREEK ARMY in 1915_ He was a National Hero...

Union Of Knives Turkish Journalist Hasan Tahsin killed by GREEK ARMY in 1915_ He was a National Hero…
There were several Westerner eye-witnesses to the events that took place in Izmir. In such a report, Commanding Officer of the USS Arizona wrote: Old men, unarmed, and other unoffending civilian Turks were knocked down by the Greeks, killed by stabbing with knives or bayonets, and then afterwards, having their valuables and clothes stripped off their bodies, were thrown into the sea…Specific instances are cited by these same eyewitnesses where Turkish soldiers and officers were bayoneted from behind by their Greek guards, while the rabble rifled their pockets and then threw their bodies into the sea. Many of the worst instances of inhuman treatment of the Turks were while they were under arrest and on open sea front at noonday. Donald Whitall, British resident of İzmir stated that: From the custom-house up to the Kramer Palace Hotel I was the unwilling witness of the massacre of some thirty unarmed men, who were being marched with hands up. This butchery was committed by Greek soldiers entirely…Close to the landing place of the Cordelio boats I saw a lot more shot down.

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